Car wash

             Bodywork Shampoo & Wash (includes wheel-arches) to remove dirt and grime.Here are some of these useful instructions which we should follow while washing a car.


1) Finding Shady space:- Before starting the washing process find a shady place where you can wash the car easily and without leaving the water and detergent spots on other cars. Shady space is recommended so that water can be kept from leaving spots through drying in sunshine.


2) Preparing Solution:-  Take a bucket full of lukewarm water. Preparing the soap solution as per the instructions given on the solution bottle. We will Avoid using dishwashing detergent as it can harm the upper layer of the paint finish of your car.

3) Rinse the Car:- Spray the water-detergent solution on entire exterior body of the car. You can use a ladder to reach the roof stand if it is unreachable for you.

4) First Rub and wash Roof:- Give the entire roof of the car a good rub with the help of sponge and soapy water.


  5) Cleaning of Tires:- First of all, spray a tire with special tire-cleaner after rinsing it with hose. Leave the solution over the tire walls for about 10 seconds. Carefully scrub all parts of the tire segment including hubcaps/wheel covers. The same process should be adopted while cleaning each of the four tires of the car.

6) It’s Time to Wash:-
It is the most fun part of the car washing and most exciting one too. First, hose the soap off the entire roof, and now you are free to rinse any of the trunk, hood or side panels in whatever sequence you want. Right after scrubbing the car, hose the soap off as its remaining can stick to the car’s body and can even leave spots.


7) Dry The Car:- Use chamois for drying the entire body of the car.

8) Window Cleaning:- We should clean the cars windows with a soft glass cleaner or paper towel.Clean all the windows and windshields from both sides.